President Mandy and the members of the clubs International Committee had the pleasure of meeting the twenty children aged between 7 and 15 years of age from Belarus who are suffering from the after affects of the nuclear fallout from the Chernobyl disaster. The children are staying in East Derbyshire with volunteer hosts as guests of the Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Charity.
The aim of the charity is to provide the children during their four week stay is for them to receive the benefit of uncontaminated and healthy food, clean fresh air and a healthy environment in which to convalesce, together with medical assessment and treatment where necessary all in an effort to rebuild their much depleted immune systems and give them hope and the opportunity of improved health.
We met the children yesterday at the Genesis Centre Alfreton being one of the many outings and entertainments they will attend during their stay. The club is pleased to have paid the travel cost of £458. for one of these children to come on this worthwhile convalesce holiday.