President Mandy accompanied by three club members were privileged on behalf of the Rotary Club to be invited to attend the David Nieper Academy prize giving evening on Thursday the 19th July.
To hear the Head Teacher Dr. Kathryn Hobbs give a round-up of the years activities and an inspirational talk by the Guest Speaker Mrs Julie Richards Principal of Chesterfield College.
Followed by the presentation of the Awards to the many students who had earned prizes in their school subjects, Attitude to Learning Awards, Outstanding Achievements Awards and Special Individual Awards.
The photo shows President Mandy Oldknow presenting the Rotary Matt Bingham Award together a cheque for £50. to Joshua Green for his contribution to Academy Life.
Joshua was nominated for his work ethic, his work in the Academy library, his assistance in the IT department and his work as a anti bullying ambassador.
We were entertained during the interval by the Academy Choir and by pupils playing the piano. The evening closed with a talk by the Vice Chair of Governors David Nieper.
Alfreton Rotary Club members wish all of the staff and students for the next academic year an enjoyable and successful year.