Club Meeting 25th June 2018

Mary Pearson from the charity Dukes Barn Trust attended the meeting and told us about Dukes Barn an Outdoor Education charity, based in Beeley it became a fully independent charity in its own right in 2000.   They run day and residential courses in outdoor adventure, team building and problem solving for young people with a wide range of abilities.

Their main focus is children with specific needs such as Autism, Aspergers Syndrome, Downs Syndrome, children with hearing and or sight impairment and those with physical disabilities including wheelchair users. They also run courses for primary and secondary school children and those from disadvantage backgrounds or poor inner city areas.

A set charge is made for the courses however no child is refused a place due to lack of funds when their costs are met from a bursary fund, fund raising activities and donations. Money also needs to be found for the day today running and on going maintenance.

The photo shows Mary Pearson accepting a cheque for £250 on behalf of Dukes Barn from our President Dennis Fretwell.